Friday, April 29, 2022

On Finding and Making Peace

I want peace. I've wanted peace for years. And for years, I've tried to find peace in various ways and in various places. But I've learned that peace can be hard to find. In fact, I may never just find peace. I may need to make it.

I can make peace in my environment by cleaning it, putting it in order, and decorating it with pleasant, natural decorations.

I can make peace in my relationships with myself and with others by forgiving those who have done wrong and by loving myself and others, despite any and all imperfections.

I can make peace in my heart by learning to control my thoughts and emotions through meditation, prayer, and breathing.

I suppose it ultimately amounts to the same thing, but with a more internal locus of control. Rather than hoping to find peace or to have someone give me peace, I can learn to make my own peace, in my environment, in my relationships, and in my heart, using forces that are entirely in my control.

I may never find peace, but that's okay. I don't need to find peace, because I know how to make it.

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