Monday, April 4, 2022

Single-Player Collaboration

Tonight, I was introduced to a game called Wordle. You're probably more familiar with the game than I am, but it's basically a word-guessing game with hints that tell you how "warm" you are. It's a single-player puzzle game, yet I've found a way to play it with other people.

The key is to communicate. We share the information we have so far, determine what we can deduce from that information, decide what information we'd like to gain, and brainstorm possible next guesses. Two heads are better than one, or so they say, and it was fun trying to figure out the puzzles with other people. I'll have to do it some more in the future.

I love collaboration and cooperation, especially in games. A lot of games are designed only for single players, but still, many of those games are still possible (and fun!) to share with others. They may be merely single-players games, but we can still find ways to play them together.

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