Wednesday, April 6, 2022

True Love

In my D&D game, one of the NPCs is convinced that the power of True Love can break a particularly powerful curse. In some fiction, True Love is described as the most powerful, magical force in existence, and certainly it has great power, at least in fiction, but I'm no 100% sure how powerful true love is in real life. 

Granted, it is an especially powerful force. True love can motivate great, selfless acts, and those acts can accomplish a lot of good. Yet, true love on its own doesn't seem to be a perfect panacea. Even with love, people will still go through struggles and challenges, including chronic and terminal ones. In mortality, True Love seems to fail to "conquer all."

But perhaps, in eternity, True Love has an even stronger effect. After all, love is the motivation behind all of God's actions, and God's actions can have great healing and redemptive effects. Perhaps, by motivating a nigh-omnipotent God to action, True Love can be said to command a nigh-unlimited amount of power. But still, that power is exercised by our loving Heavenly Father, not by the power of love itself.

There are some who claim that True Love can solve all problems, and there are others who say that True Love is just the stuff of fairy-tales. Arguably, the truth is somewhere in the middle, where true love motivates great deeds, but lacks any power of its own. The concept or "magic" of love won't solve many problems, but people who are motivated by love (including God Himself) can.

So, while love itself may not be magical in this world, it can have a powerful impact on the people in mortality, and an even greater impact in the world to come.

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