Friday, April 8, 2022

Better Late Than Never

I have very few expenses, but partly to help cover the expenses of the house (especially those to which I contribute), I pay Mom a portion of my income. Recently, you may recall, my February paycheck was late. I should have paid my Mom as soon as I got the check, but it slipped my mind, and when I finally got around to sending the payment, PayPal decided it would investigate the payment, delaying the payment even further. Granted, Mom will get the money I owe her, even if I have to go the the bank, withdraw the funds, and pay her in cash. She's getting her money very late at this point, but still, better late than never. Granted, I should have gotten the money to her as soon as I could have, and I'll still try to get it to her as soon as I can, but it is apparently, thankfully, not terribly urgent.

Not everything in life needs to be done immediately. Not everything in life can be done all at once. Sometimes, things need to take their time, and sometimes, things need to wait their turn. Fortunately, some things can afford to wait until later, even if it'd be better for them to happen sooner. Sometimes, it's better for things to happen later than for them to never happen at all.

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