Friday, April 22, 2022

Many Places

I recently started watching a show called The Good Place, in which all of the characters are dead and have gone to a place that is functionally heaven. The people there are told that there are only two possible places a person can end up: The Good Place, and The Bad Place. The main character, Eleanor, has wound up in The Good Place by accident. She doesn't deserve to be in The Good Place, but she argues that she hasn't been a very bad person and that she doesn't deserve to go to The Bad Place, either. She wondered if there was a Medium Place she could go to, and in our theology, there is.

In the Plan of Salvation, the afterlife is split into three Kingdoms of Glory: The Celestial Kingdom, The Terrestrial Kingdom, and The Telestial Kingdom. We are also told that there are three degrees within the Celestial Kingdom and multiple degrees in the Telestial Kingdom. I imagine that there are multiple degrees of the Terrestrial Kingdom as well, but I admit that that's conjecture on my part. However many possible afterlives there are, God will send each of us to the place best suited for us, and He has far more possibilities to choose from than just two.

There are many places in the afterlife, and I take comfort in the knowledge that, when I die, I won't just be assigned to Heaven or to Hell. I will end up in whatever place is best suited for me, and so will everyone else. Out of all the many places, all of us will end up wherever we belong.

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