Thursday, April 14, 2022

God's Ultimate Creation

People say that God made the world so that it would be perfect for us, and they're not wrong, but I think there's another side to that. I believe that, in addition to making the world such that it would be capable of supporting life, He also made us such that we would be capable to live on it. He gave us the senses we would need to perceive the world He made for us. He gave us the digestive system we would need to process to the food He gave us. He gave us thumbs that would enable us to make the tools He would inspire us to make. It's true that He made the world perfect for us, but He also made us perfect for the world.

I sometimes marvel at the creations of God, the mountains and the weather, the elements and the stars. Everything is all so astounding, none more so than us. We are God's ultimate creation. I thank Him for the way He made us, and I appreciate being the way I am.

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