Monday, April 18, 2022


Today was a satisfying day for me. I got a good amount of exercise, I got a significant amount of homework done, and I was able to help some people. Today was a good day, and I'm satisfied.

Life is full of a lot of stuff. Countless movies, shows, games, and activities compete for our time. Career paths form infinitely tall ladders to climb. Anything we can do, we can do to a greater degree, and many people spend their lives always trying to do more. But sometimes, there is value in doing less. There is value in simplifying our lives and simply doing good and living well. 

Granted, I could be doing more good and doing it better, but still, I was able to do a decent amount of good, and it is possible to make progress while being content with the amount of progress that is being made. I am satisfied, and I am satisfied with the progress I am making in the areas in which I am not yet satisfied.

I'm satisfied with how today turned out, and while I will continue to make progress, I can be satisfied with the rate at which progress is being made. Life doesn't need to be a rat race. Sometimes, it is sufficient, and even wise, to be satisfied.

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