Thursday, April 28, 2022

The World's What You Make It

One thing I love about fiction, and about being a Dungeon Master, specifically, is that the world you create can be however you want to make it. You get to decide what does and doesn't exist in your world. You get to decide what challenges the characters have to face, how many challenges, and how challenging those challenges are. You set the tone. You make the rules. The world is yours to create and shape however you want.

But the crazy thing is, the real world is somewhat similar. Granted, we don't get to literally reshape the world, but we can shape our perspectives about the world. We can think of the world optimistically or pessimistically. We can imagine the world complexly or simplistically. We can even, to some extent, set our own goals in life, which can be as difficult or as easy as we choose. We can't literally change the world beyond certain limitations, but we can change how we see the world and how we think and feel about it, and that's close enough. To a large extent, the world is what you make of it, so try to make it a good one.

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