Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Good Flow

I have a vice of too often going with the flow. Often, I do whatever is easiest. Granted, I try to do what I need to do, whether it's easy or not, but I try to find the simplest, easiest way to do it. This "go with the flow" mentality means that I don't go out much, unless there's something I need to do or really want to do. Staying in is much easier. Staying in this evening would have been relatively easy, but thankfully, going out was about as easy.

Tonight was the adult session of my stake's Stake Conference, and I almost had an excuse not to go. Some of my family members were running some errands, and it looked like they might not make it, and I figured that I might as well stay home with them. However, by the time I learned this, I had already dressed for Stake Conference. While I was perfectly happy to stay home, I was already dressed to go out. So, when my family managed to get home and get dressed faster than they expected to, joining them was just as easy as staying home. I almost stayed home from Stake Conference tonight because I had an easy excuse to stay home, but I went because my family made it just as easy to go.

I'm grateful that I have a family that makes making the right decision pretty easy for me. Of course, some decisions are still harder than others, but for the most part, doing good is fairly easy because of my family's traditions and examples. I go with the flow more often than I should, but in my home, the flow is going in the right direction more often than not. When I have a home of my own, I'm going to try to set the precedent of always going to church meetings and keeping the standards and commandments so it'll be easy for the members of my household to follow suit.

It's not always wise to "go with the flow." I'm lucky I was raised in a good one.

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