Friday, January 10, 2020

Family Day or Sick Day?

I wonder whether it would be a good idea for me to go to Family Day tomorrow. For those who may not know, my family is getting together tomorrow to celebrate the day we were sealed (which was actually January 25th, but we're doing something else that day). The plan is to hang out, eat snacks, play games, and generally enjoy one another's company. There's just one problem: I'm still sick. I want to spend time with my family, but I don't really feel up to going anywhere, and I especially don't want to get anyone else sick. I can reduce the risk of sharing the illness by wearing a face mask and using cough drops and hand sanitizer, so the risk of germ transfer could be fairly minimal, but is that still a risk worth taking? Would others be happier if I went than if I didn't? Would I be happier if I went than if I didn't?

A related question is whether or not I should go to church. My teaching companion knows that I might not be able to make it, and he assured me that he would prepare this week's lesson, so I don't have to worry about that. I have no responsibilities that would obligate me to go to church. So, the question is what the odds are that I'll spread the illness and whether the benefits (both to myself and others) of me going outweigh the risk I would be imposing on others.

Regarding church, I think I might stay home. I doubt I add enough joy to other's lives by being there that I can justify the risk of getting others sick, even if the risk is fairly small. And if I show up at church with a mask on, inevitably starting conversations about how sick I am, all that will do is make people feel sorry for me, and I don't want that to happen, both because I'm too proud to be okay with people feeling sorry for me and because I don't much care for conversations in general. Unless I feel fully cured tomorrow, I think I would rather not go to church the day after.

But then, if I'm not going to church, should I go to Family Day? Unlike church members, there are at least a few family members whose enjoyment of the day might be increased by my attendance. For that reason alone, I should at least consider it. Then again, if my attendance makes anyone else less comfortable, I shouldn't go. In hindsight, I should have brought this question to everyone else via email rather than just debating myself in my mind over the last few days, but it may be too late for that now.

I think maybe I shouldn't go. If anyone's experience is made worse by me being there, then I probably shouldn't go. I'll have other opportunities to spend time with family on other days, when I'm feeling better, and we just had Christmas, what, two or three weeks ago? We saw each other then. Maybe it'd be alright for me to miss the family gathering this time. I don't know. I'm sure my Mom wants me to go, and my sister would probably say that if I want to go, I should go. Maybe I will go, regardless of whatever consequences may follow, but I'm not the one who has to live with those consequences, so maybe that's not my decision to make.

Maybe I'll just wait to see how I feel about it tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe I'll feel much better (or worse) tomorrow, making the decision relatively easy. Or maybe I'll just flip a coin.

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