Sunday, January 19, 2020

Everyday Reminders to Pray Every Day

At Stake Conference this morning, one of the speakers gave a talk about Prayer, and one of the lessons I got from that talk is that there is no bad time to pray. People can pray at any time, for any reason. It's recommended that we pray frequently, if not constantly, so any commonplace occurrence can be a good reminder to pray. I recently was given the idea of praying whenever I drank water. One returned missionary mentioned in the talk this morning had a habit of praying whenever he got out of a car. Others prayed whenever they saw the sky. Literally any moment at all is a good time to pray. So, if there's something you do frequently, like use the restroom, or open a door,  or write or comment on a post on social media, you might consider making that a reminder to pray. We can have a prayer in our hearts even while we're doing other things, so perhaps we could make a habit of praying whenever we do things that we already do every day.

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