Monday, January 13, 2020

Shifting Definitions of Heroism

A Youtuber I follow, Red from a channel called Overly Sarcastic Productions, recently published a video about Antiheroes in which she briefly discussed how "The concept of heroism is extremely flexible and varies over time and from culture to culture." She then listed several traits that are considered heroic or unheroic in some cultures and contexts and the opposite in others, wrapping up that brief exploration by concluding that "What defines a hero is completely determined by the cultural landscape of the time, and thus what defines an antihero is similarly flexible."

In my opinion, she's only partly right about that. She's absolutely right that society's standards of heroism can and do change over time. However, God's standards don't. His standards have remained consistent for thousands of years. Certainly, they have been interpreted and applied differently by various people across the years, but His standards and virtues have ultimately remained unchanged.

So, if one wants to be a hero in the eyes of society, one had better be prepared to change their values and practices according to society's whims, but if one wants to be a hero in the eyes of God, one had better be prepared to be judged as an antihero, or worse, a villain, by society's shifting definitions. I know which one I would rather be, but to be a hero in God's eyes, it's going to take a heroic amount of courage.

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