Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Lay on Hands

In the Fifth (current) Edition of D&D, 1st Level Paladins get an ability called Lay on Hands. Unsurprisingly, it's a healing ability. Paladins can use this ability to restore Hit Points and cure diseases, like colds or flus.

Unfortunately, this power is fictional. If this power were real, and I had access to it (as any Paladin would), I certainly would have used it. At least, I think I would.

Yet, I had access to a real form of divine magic, including the power of healing through the laying on of hands, and I didn't use it. I didn't even think of it. Sure, I prayed that I might get well soon, but the thought that I might seek a Priesthood blessing never crossed my mind.

Thankfully, it doesn't seem like I needed it. I feel much better now than I did a week ago. I'm on the mend. But it seems odd to me that, for a man as interested in magic as I am, it didn't even occur to me that I could use it in real life.

God has extended some of His divine power to us, especially specifically for healing the sick and afflicted, like me. I now feel very foolish for not thinking of calling on that power when I could have used it.

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