Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sick on the Sabbath

I didn't go to church today. However, in lieu of church worship, I spent that time doing personal gospel study, and I came to a few conclusions, one of which is that, when we're not learning new lessons, we're often reviewing lessons that we can stand to keep working on. In my case, I was inspired by the faithfulness of Nephi in seeking and following spiritual guidance. Now, the need to seek and follow the Holy Spirit isn't a new lesson for me. I've known about the critical importance of spiritual guidance for decades. Yet, I sometimes struggle. I wonder how many times I would have tried what I thought was the best way to get the brass plates before I realized that I really ought to ask God what His plan was. I also thought about what I could do more to seek spiritual guidance, and I figured that I'm already on the right track with my Prayer, Hymns, and Meditation goal. I meditated for a few minutes during my personal gospel study, and I felt the Spirit stronger than I had in a long while. I'm glad I decided to do that. And I'm glad that I was able to get some gospel study in, even though I was, and still am, sick. Thanks to the many tools and blessings God has given us, we can know that God isn't out of reach for any of us, even those who are stuck home sick.

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