Monday, October 5, 2020

A Powerful Assurance

In his Conference-opening talk, President Russell M. Nelson spoke of the pandemic, the natural disasters, and other ills facing the world today, and then said "Through it all, our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ love us. They care for us. They and Their holy angels are watching over us. I know that is true."

What a powerful assurance! Because of this prophet's testimony, we can be certain that we are never alone, that God and His angels are watching over you, and that God and Jesus Christ love you and care about you more than you can know. Even in times of great trial, we can have the comfort of knowing that God and Jesus Christ know what we're going through and that They are willing to help us get through it. Whatever our challenges, we can face them with the Lord of our side. And with the Lord on our side, we cannot fail.

The tempest will not sink the boat on which the Savior rides, and as long as we're on that boat with Him, the storm won't sink us, either.

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