Sunday, October 11, 2020

Christlike in Many Ways

Elder Scott D. Whiting concluded his talk, "Becoming like Him" by saying "I know that becoming like Him through His divine help and strength is achievable step by step. . . . I know this—in part because I see attributes of Him in so many of you." Becoming exactly like Jesus Christ is difficult, nigh impossible to pull off in one lifetime, but becoming somewhat like Jesus Christ is so achievable that, in some ways, most of us have already done it.

Let's take honesty for an example, since Elder Whiting also used honesty as an example of an attribute of Christ. Everyone is at least somewhat honest. No one lies all the time. Just about everyone often, or at least occasionally, tells the truth. Granted few people are always as honest as Jesus is and was, but just about everyone has at least a little bit of honesty in them, so just about everyone is at least a little bit like Jesus Christ, at least in that one way.

Then take charity for example, and kindness, and understanding, and compassion. Take faith and hope for example. Take obedience and diligence and discipline for example. Take virtue for example. Take love for example. Everyone loves someone, even if only themselves. By loving that person, they are at least that much like Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ has a lot of attributes, and all of us have at least a sliver of each of them. All of us have at least some measure of many, most, if not all Christlike attributes. We are more Christlike than we realize. Is it so unthinkable that we might get even better?

All of us are at least a little bit Christlike in at least a few of His attributes, and we can, over time, get even better. Becoming as perfect as Jesus Christ is will take an eternity, but becoming Christlike is so achievable that, in many ways, we've already done it.

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