Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Blessings of Temple Worthiness

In Elder Ronald A. Rasband's most recent General Conference talk, Recommended to the Lord, he spoke about how, because of COVID-19 concerns and restrictions, temple operations have been temporarily suspended, but temple standards haven't been: "Let me emphasize, whether you have access to a temple or not, you need a current temple recommend to stay firmly on the covenant path." 

I believe that this is because blessings follow those who live worthily of temple recommends, blessings entirely separate from those we get within the temple itself. As Elder Rasband said, "Being worthy to hold a current temple recommend is both a protection from the adversary, because you have made a firm commitment to the Lord about your life, and a promise that the Spirit will be with you." 

I hold that this is true, whether we can physically enter the temple or not. There are blessings that we get from worshiping in the temple, including blessings that we can only get by worshiping in the temple, but there are also blessings that come from living righteously enough to be worthy to enter the temple, whether our temples are open or not. 

Because of COVID-19 restrictions, we have been cut off from some of the blessings of the temple, like being able to actually enter them, but apart from the ability to actually enter the temple, we have not been cut off from any of the blessings of temple worthiness.

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