Wednesday, October 7, 2020

How to Gain Faith and Trust in God and Jesus

In his October 2020 General Conference talk, Elder David A. Bednar said, "Faithfulness is not foolishness or fanaticism. Rather, it is trusting and placing our confidence in Jesus Christ as our Savior, on His name, and in His promises."

Some people question the wisdom of having faith. Some people think that it's foolish to believe in and swear allegiance to a being whom we haven't met. Yet, we can know of the existence of God and Jesus Christ just as surely as know of the existence of anyone else we've read about and whose influence we've seen in the world, and we can grow to trust Their teachings and form a relationship with Them just as we can come to trust and form a relationship with anyone whose book we've read and with whom we've talked on the phone. One of my favorite teachings of this church is how relatable and approachable God and Jesus Christ are. We can talk with them as easily as we can talk to anyone else in earshot, and we can learn to trust Them the same way we learn to trust in anyone else.

Though we cannot meet Jesus Christ in person in this life, we can come to know Him and to trust His promises, and we can do it in roughly the same way we would for anyone else. Just as we can read about, call, and prove anyone else in real life, we can do those same things with God and Jesus Christ. Ultimately, it can become wise to trust Them more than we trust anyone else whom we may have heard about or seen on the news.The evidence for their existence is overwhelming, we can talk to Them in prayer, and we can learn through study, testimonials, and experience that when we keep our promises, They also keep Theirs. We can trust Them, and we can learn to trust Them the same way we can learn to trust in anyone else.

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