Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Rozlyn's Love

My favorite part of sister Michelle D. Craig's talk, Eyes to See, was the story of Rozlyn and Sister Smith. Sister Smith was at church, without her husband, and possibly without her children as well. She felt alone, and she wanted to be left alone. Yet, Rozlyn could see Sister Smith's pain, and she offered comfort. In Sister Smith's words, Rozlyn "wrapped me in her arms and said, ‘Sister Smith, I can tell today is a bad day for you. I’m so sorry. I love you.’"

What strikes me most about this interaction is that this very well may be the only things Rozlyn said to Sister Smith. She might not have asked her the obvious, personal question of why she was at church alone. She certainly didn't offer any criticism. She might not have even volunteered any unrequested advice. She just offered her love and her sympathy. Sometimes, that's all a person really needs.

I want to follow Rozlyn's example. I want to be there for people when they need me and to not put any more pressure on them than they already feel. I want to comfort people, not make them uncomfortable. I want to be kind and loving and gentle for those who need me to be. I want to follow the promptings of the Spirit n giving people whatever they need, be that advice, sympathy, or just a hug. Some people offer what they call "tough love." I want to offer love like Rozlyn's.

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