Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Steps in the Right Direction

Navigation is, perhaps, not as hard as it is sometimes made out to be. For example, I don't know exactly where Mt Rushmore is, but given enough time, I'm confident that I could get myself there. This is because I know the general direction of Mt Rushmore (East Northeast, I assume), so I know the general direction to head in, and I'm confident that local maps and signs can give me more precise directions once I get closer. I can't pinpoint Mt Rushmore on a map, and I can't give anyone detailed directions, but I know its location well enough that I can start taking steps in the right direction, and I can figure it out from there.

Similarly, I may not know Jesus Christ well enough to emulate His behavior perfectly, but I know enough about His attributes to see places where I can improve. I can't follow in His footsteps exactly, but I can take steps in the right direction. None of us are perfect, and I daresay none of us know how to be perfect, but we each know at least a handful of ways in which we can be better, so we all know enough to enable us to take steps toward perfection, even if we don't know precisely what perfection looks like yet.

I'm sure that I couldn't find the Celestial Kingdom on a map (unless that map is really a diagram), but I know its location well enough to take steps in the right direction.

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