Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Three Tips to Help Us Endure

Sometimes, life can be difficult enough just to endure. Life can be can be frustrating, challenging, exhausting, and painful. Sometimes, it's hard just to keep moving forward. But thankfully, even in times like those, we have a few things going for us.

For one thing, God is always going to be as close to us as we let Him be. If we immerse ourselves in hymns and scriptures and other such, God will immerse us in His love, which often includes comfort and/or guidance.

Secondly, God never asks more of us than we can give. Now, there's two sides of this. The first side is that, if God expects us to handle something, then we can. We have the strength to face any challenge He expects us to face. On the flip-side, if life throws us a challenge that we can't handle, don't worry, God doesn't expect us to. God doesn't expect us to do any more than we're capable of, even if He asks it of pretty much everyone else. To just give one example, God asks pretty much everyone to participate in a monthly fast. But not everyone can fast. God doesn't think any less of those who, for whatever reason, cannot fast. God gives us the power to do everything He wants us to do, and He doesn't expect us to do anything that we lack the power to do.

And finally, no matter what is going on, there is help and healing available through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Granted, that help and healing may not be immediately available. We may have to wait a long time for it. We may have to wait a lifetime for it. But everything that seems unfair about life will ultimately be made right through the power of the Atonement. Whatever you're enduring right now, God can heal you of it, and if you stay close to Him, eventually, He will.

We can endure because we know that our afflictions will not last forever, that our afflictions will never be greater than we can endure, and that God will be with us every step of the way. Sometimes, it's difficult to remember that. But as long as we can remember any one of those truths, they can help us endure just about anything.

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