Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Searching for Inspiration - Spiritual Eyes

I just spent half an hour or so looking for inspiration, and then I realized my problem. I only started looking for inspiration when I needed one I could blog about. Up until then, I was focusing on my other responsibilities, like writing my essay, tutoring, and doing other work. I wasn't really listening for the Spirit or looking for inspiration until the last minute.

I know that life gets crazy, and it seems like we have a dozen things to do each day, which is why I'm not going to say that we should "make time" for spiritual matters. Sometimes, that's not really a viable option. Instead, I'm going to say that we should look for the Spirit in even secular things.

For example, I tutored a student working on a paper about slavery. God has compassion for the suffering of others, and so should we. I'm working on a paper about lifetime appointments for federal judges. General Authorities also serve for life, as should we. I helped tie a load of stuff into a trailer. The commandments also "tie us down," but only to help us get where we're trying to go. Those are three examples of spiritual thoughts that I could have had and blogged about way earlier today, except that I wasn't thinking about that.

I used to be really good at seeing spiritual messages in mundane objects and events. I think I've let myself get distracted "in the thick of thin things," one might say. It would be good for me to learn to see with spiritual eyes again, and not just for blogging purposes, either. I want to connect with the Spirit more, if only for my personal and spiritual well-being.

Inspiration is out there. It's not something one needs to actively search for, but one does need to be looking with one's spiritual eyes to see it.

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