Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Simple Formula for Salvation

3 Nephi 27:6 And whoso taketh upon him my name, and endureth to the end, the same shall be saved at the last day.

This is a clear and shockingly simple formula for salvation, especially when you consider that "enduring to the end" basically just means staying the course. However, the first part of this formula is deceptively deep. Taking Christ's name upon ourselves means more than just calling ourselves Christians. It means being like Jesus Christ. That means taking on His attributes and repenting when we (perpetually) fall short. Becoming like Jesus Christ is an eternal undertaking in every sense of the word Eternal.

Yet, it's still impressively simple. Instead of having a list of hundreds of commandments to memorize and follow, we can focus on a single Role-model and attempt to become like Him. The question "what would Jesus do?" can be of some help to us here. All we need to do is try to determine what kind of person Jesus was and is, and follow that. If we do as He did, we will be saved.

We can easily over-complicate the gospel, if we want to. We can focus on all the rules and principles individually. Or, alternatively, we can focus on Jesus Christ. And as long as we focus on Jesus and stay the course, we will reach the same destination He did. It doesn't get simpler than that.

1 comment:

Carole tiefenbach said...

I do wonder what Jesus does when one of his sons or daughters have terminal cancer? I wonder about it often in the last few months.