Friday, August 13, 2021

A Shot in the Arm

Getting a shot can sting a little. At the very least, it can be uncomfortable. But before long, the pain fades, and the benefit of the injection remains, perhaps permanently.

I think life may be like that. It's often painful, or at least uncomfortable, but it's temporary. On an eternal timescale, it's barely the blink of an eye. But the blessings we receive from life can be eternal. Life is a brief, uncomfortable experience with long-lasting benefits, just like a shot in the arm.

I don't think God enjoys watching people suffer any more than doctors do, but there are times when a (relatively) small amount of (relatively) short-lived pain is necessary to bring about the best possible result. Immunity to a crippling and/or life-threatening disease is worth a little jab in the arm, and the blessings of eternity are worth a brief moment of mortality.

Sure, it seems long and painful from a mortal perspective, but from an eternal perspective, it's no worse than a shot in the arm.

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