Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Too Easy

A D&D character in a game I run for myself successfully defeated a shadow dragon today. In fact, my character was almost too successful. He won the fight, but he did it so quickly, the battle seemed anti-climactic. But, since I was running the game for myself, I tweaked the game to make the battle harder for my character, which made the victory a bit more satisfying.

In our real lives, we rarely have to worry about our challenges being "too easy," possibly because God takes care of that problem for us. God sets up challenges for us to overcome. If those challenges prove too challenging, He strengthens us. If those challenges aren't challenging enough, I suspect God makes them tougher until they are.

God wants us to succeed in life, but He also wants us to have opportunities to learn and grow while we're here. That's why He custom-makes each challenge for each of us, to make sure that we're up to each challenge we face and that no challenge meant to challenge us ends up being too easy.

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