Tuesday, August 17, 2021

On Not Honking

This afternoon, I had a conversation with a family member, and that family member was telling me how sometimes when she's driving, when she has to stop or slow down in the middle of the street, the people behind her would get impatient and honk at her. Thinking back about it, she just had to laugh, saying that if they knew what she could see, they wouldn't be honking for her to move.

I wonder how frequently this situation plays out with us and God. God often does things that we may not like or understand, and He often doesn't do things that we wish He would do. But He has His reasons for doing (or not doing) what He does (or doesn't do). It's just that we can see the factors that figure into His reasoning because we don't have His perspective. If we did, we might understand the situation well enough to not complain about it.

Life can be difficult, and we don't always understand the reasons why life is difficult, but I'm confident that so long as God is as good and as powerful as the scriptures say He is, He wouldn't let life be so difficult for so many people without having some really good reasons. I trust that God has good reasons for what He does and doesn't to. So, when God moves or doesn't move in ways that I don't necessarily appreciate, I will try to be patient, to trust His judgement, and to resist the urge to honk at Him.

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