Monday, August 2, 2021

Eternity, One Step at a Time

One of the best and worst things about life is that we can only do one thing at a time. That's bad news because it limits how much we can get done, but it's also good news because trying to do more than one thing at once can be overwhelming. Since we know we can only do one thing at a time, we know that we need to take our projects and goals one step at a time, since that's all we can do anyway. Naturally, we can start with the goal in mind, but at any given moment, the only step we really need to focus on is the next one.

Long-term projects and goals, including eternal goals, can seem overwhelming when taken as a whole, but to paraphrase a famous saying, a journey of a thousand miles is made of countless individual steps. Each step, on its own, is manageable. If we take eternity one step at a time, and spend eternity taking those tiny, individual baby steps, we'll eventually make it.

I can't walk a thousand miles in one go, but I can walk a few miles at a time, taking only a single step at a time, until I've walked a thousand miles and more.

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