Monday, August 9, 2021

Interconnected Through The Spirit

Something that's becoming apparent to me about the Gospel and about emotional well-being in general is how interconnected everything is. Everything we can do, say, feel, or think either draws us closer to the Spirit or pushes the Spirit away. And the Spirit, in turn, helps with almost everything that's good, creating a positive feedback loop that works in either direction. 

Anything we do that detracts from the Spirit pushes the Spirit away from us, making it harder to make good choices and maintain good thoughts and feelings, pushing the Spirit even further away. In contrast, doing anything good can attract the Spirit, making it easier to do good and keep the Spirit with us. 

Since the presence of the Spirit is affected by practically everything, and practically everything is affected by the presence (or absence) of the Spirit, just about everything is directly or indirectly connected to just about anything else. Any amount of good or evil, positivity or negativity, contributes to a feedback loop that fosters more of itself. That's why it's important to increase spirituality in any way we can and avoid evil in any of its myriad forms. It's all interconnected through the presence or absence of the Spirit.

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