Monday, August 16, 2021

Working Together

One thing I love about adventuring parties in D&D and other RPGs is that they encourage people to work together, using their individual strengths to supplement each other's abilities and cover each other's weaknesses. The Fighter doesn't usually have magic, so the Cleric and Wizard cover that. The Wizard usually can't heal themselves or others, so the Cleric takes care of that. The Fighter covers the physical fighting, to defend the casters. And the Bard, Ranger, or Rogue help the party by applying their skills toward dealing with other people and/or the world around them. When they all work together, they can form a powerfully cohesive team.

We can do something similar. Our abilities may not be as obvious or as strictly defined, but we all have our own talents, strengths, and capabilities, and we all have something we can offer to those around us. When we work together, we can each apply our individual talents towards blessing the rest of the group. As an introvert, I hate to admit this, but we're often better off working together than we are working separately. At the very least, we can help carry each other's burdens and become collectively stronger by lifting them together.

Each individual is unique, and each of us have different strengths and abilities. When we work together, we can use our strengths more effectively, bringing out the best in each member of the party. Sure, we can sometimes work well enough on our own, but we are often best off using our varied strengths to work together.

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