Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Back as a Dungeon Master

After the last D&D campaign I ran ended, I took a brief break from being a Dungeon Master and had some fun in a pair of brief games, the most recent of which recently ended, which means that I am now the DM again.And you know what? It feels pretty good. It was nice to take a break from DMing, but breaks both can't and shouldn't last forever. Frankly, I feel like this break lasted a little too long, so I may be a bit rusty. But now I'm back in action, and it feels good. I'm looking forward to planning games and running encounters again. Sure, it'll take some work, but I feel plenty refreshed and more than ready to take up the mantle of Dungeon Master again.

This was a good break, and it's important to take breaks when we need to, but the purpose of breaks is to refresh us so that we can work well when we get back to work. I hope to DM this next campaign at least as well as the last one, and I hope to help each player at the table have fun every week.

Being a DM can be exhausting, and I'm glad I took a break, but now I'm glad that that break is over, because I feel ready to come back as Dungeon Master.

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