Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Listening for the Voice of the Lord

Tonight, for family scripture study, we listened to a General Conference talk in which Elder Neil L. Andersen mentioned hearing the voice of the Lord through His servants. That got me thinking about how we can hear the voice of the Lord through other people and things as well. That's basically the function of parables and the analogies I've shared on my blog. If we look and listen carefully, we can find important truths and messages from God just about anywhere. We can hear the voice of the Lord through His servants, of course, but we can also hear it in the conversations we have with each other, perhaps in the shows and movies we watch, easily in nature, and with some creativity in just about any place else. All of reality echoes with the truths God wants to teach us. If we listen carefully, we can hear the voice of the Lord through just about anything.

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