Monday, December 27, 2021

Communication Across Distance

One thing I love about technology, or the internet more specifically, is that it allows people to connect with each other, even over great distances. No matter where a person is on Earth, as long as they have an internet connection, they can connect with anyone else with an internet connection, even if they're on opposite sides of the planet.

What's even more impressive is that prayer can establish communication across even greater distances. I'm not sure where God is, physically, but no matter how far away we are from God, physically or spiritually, we can still connect with God through prayer. Granted, the greater the distance is, the harder it is to communicate with God, but it's never impossible. We can always reach out to our Heavenly Father through prayer.

I'm grateful that we can always communicate with God, across any amount of distance. It's comforting to know that we never have to be or feel alone and that we can always ask God for help and answers. God can feel distant at times, but it's great to know that we can always communicate with God, across any distance.

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