Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Old Habits Die Hard

The say that odd habits die hard. I think that's true. In fact, I'm not sure that old habits normally just "die out." Many old habits don't die unless we deliberately kill them, and even then, doing so might be a challenge. Case in point, it is currently 11:34 as I'm writing this. Specifically, it's 11:34 PM, just before midnight, not just before noon. Naturally, I'm going to continue to try to blog earlier, but I already know that some days are going to be better than others, and on other days, my old habits are going to get the best of me. Hopefully, my good days will gradually grow to outnumber my bad days until I kick this bad habit for good. With enough persistence and diligence, I can outlast this old habit and finally kill it off.

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