Friday, December 17, 2021

The Power of Devotion

In Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Princess Zelda tried to unlock the magical power she was born with by praying at various shrines throughout the kingdom, but what actually awakens her power is the need to use it to protect someone she cares about. Ultimately, I think what truly unlocked her power was devotion. It could have been awakened through her devotion to her kingdom or her goddess, but it was ultimately awakened by her devotion to her closest friend.

Similarly, we can also unlock great power through devotion. Our devotion to God, our families, our countries, or even to ideals, can motivate and empower us to do greater things than we could otherwise have done. It may be that faith leads to miracles partly because our devotion to God can inspire us to do miraculous things.

We not not be able to manifest magical powers like Zelda did, but if we care about someone or something enough, we still do great things, motivated through the power of devotion.

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